Lecture performance ‘The Smallest of Worlds’, with Uwe Brunner, Bettina Katja Lange and Joan Soler-Adillon

Oscillating between the physical and the virtual dimension, The Smallest of Worlds (2021) and #See You at Home (2022) explore the meaning of private and intimate space in times of ubiquitous connectivity, examining home in its dual relationship between safe shelter and a platform for public exhibition.
This lecture performance will delve into the archive of these two artworks, which is made up of a multitude of digitized private spaces, with its narrative, intimate routines, and personal memories: fragments that were collected in more than 40 countries during the most intense periods of self-isolation during the pandemic.
Showing the archive from a new perspective, custom made for Digital Impact’s immersive space, the artists will discuss the implications of the ways our perceptions of such private and intimate spaces radically changed during this intense period, and are now being reconfigured to achieve new meanings in a hybrid context where our online and offline presence is ever more entangled.
Since 2020, Uwe Brunner, Bettina Katja Lange and Joan Soler-Adillon have worked together to explore how immersive experience can offer new and unique narratives.
Their work has been shown in major European XR and documentary festivals in Europe and around the world. Now, for the first time, the immersive experience leaves behind single-person headsets and standard screens to be experienced collectively in a large-scale projection space.
Organized by

Òrbita #4

ÒRBITA #4 is a collective performance during which, using basic instructions, a bot’s language is programmed. Hybridising elements of performance and participative workshop, the event explores the thematic and textual possibilities of a new digital personality. By coming together to experiment with the creation of a collaborative digital narrative, the attendees of ÒRBITAa #4 reveal the codes and frameworks that compose these digital personalities that are able to construct more or less logical conversations without shaking off the trace of the human hand that trained them for their mission.
ÒRBITA #4 is the 5th of the ÒRBITES that Citlali Hernández and Núria Nia have presented, focusing on the concepts of digital bodies, telepresence, satellite communication and the representation of the body in 3D. These ÒRBITES began with the Cos Satel·lital project, which the artists developed in 2021 as part of the IV Hangar-FBSabadell Grant, and they have been presented at Loop Festival, Fabra i Coats at the ECOSS Festival, at Lo Pati d’Amposta with ISEA2022, at Hangar, and at the Jornades Wikifem del Konvent. Òrbita #4 is their most recent work and will be premiered at Digital Impact.
Digital Impact obrirà les seves portes
del 28 d’abril al 27 d’agost de 2023.
Tuesday to Sunday,
from 10 am to 8 pm
Mondays (except holidays), May 1 and June 24
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